QUARTER (2 Year Old) Custom Beef=~100 lbs Ground, Roast, Steak, Rib, Bone, Organ
100% grassfed & grassfinished, regenerative, organically raised
QUARTER 1/4 Custom Beef Share PRE ORDER
Foothill Frolic Farm QUARTER Live Animal Cost is a Flat $827
*Be sure to Click on Additional Info Section Below RECEIVE A 5% DISCOUNT WHEN YOU PREPAY/CSA MODEL
Russell Meat Packing Processing Cost varies based on hanging weight of animal and on average for a QUARTER totals $118.75-127.50, which is a complete pass through cost to shareholders.
Approximate QUARTER Average Final Price = $827 + $123 = $950
*Be sure to click on Additional Info Section Below CUSTOM BEEF VALUE "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" 10 PREMIUMS
A QUARTER Beef will provide approximately ~100 lbs of assorted edible Beef Cuts.
The VOLUME of SPACE that a QUARTER Custom Beef Share stocks is a 4-5 cubic ft freezer. Cubic feet requirments will vary in between a chest freezer and an upright freezer. The neccessary cubic feet size will also depend on whether the beef is stuffed in the freezer our packed in a roomy organized fashion. Of course the later, roomy organized fashion, provides for a better shareholder experience when accessing your beef!!
Our "CLASSIC CUT" Option for butchering your QUARTER Live Animal Custom Beef Shares includes the following...
GROUND BEEF (LEAN 90/10 to 85/15)
=Approximately 40 x ~1 lb packages
=Approximately 40 lbs
Either chose to have organs ground into ground beef to try what we call the Ground Beef + Vitals Blend
Liver, Heart, Tongue, Kidney, divided, sliced, and individually packaged to allow for easy preperation.
=2 packages
=Approximately 2.5 lbs
An assortment of 13 x Approximate 2.5 lb Individually Packaged Roast Cuts
= Approximately 33 lbs
The Butchered Roast Cuts include Prime Rib x 1 , Sirloin Tip x 1, Brisket x 1, Chuck x 2, Arm x 1-2, Stew Tips1-2 x , Rump x 1, Eye of Round x 1 or Tri Tip x 1, Top Round x 1-2, Shanks x 2
1 1/8 " thickness
Approximately 4 Fillets, 3 NY Strip (Top Loin) , 2 T-Bone, 3 Ribeye (Delmonico), 3 Sirloin
= 15 Steaks Total, with 2 steaks per package
= Approximately 8.25 lbs
1 Flanks or 1 Skirts
=1 Steaks, with 1 steak per package
=1.25 lbs
1-2 Packages of Short Ribs
1-2 Packages of Korean Ribs
=3 packages Total
=Approximately 5.75 lbs
1-2 Packages of 5-6 cut bone pieces per Package
1 pkgs of Meaty Neck Bones
= Approximately 2-3 packages
= Approximately 9.5 lbs
** Please read ADDITIONAL INFO SECTIONS BELOW, to Learn More**
ALL Custom Beef Shares are PRE ORDERS
For now, we are only taking manual in person or mailed payments. Customers/Shareholders $Payment$ will be Due at On Farm Pick Up.
Checks and Cash accepted. Checks Payable to Foothill Frolic Farm.
The listed price is approximately ~$950 because this is the average estimate of what the QUARTER live animal custom beef share will cost, which includes our farm's Flat $827 cost, plus the approximate $123 pass through cost of Russell Meat Packing Processing Fee. As every whole beef's weight is different, final amount due could be a little more or a little less.
Custom Beef Shares require that the share holders/owners of the animal are the ones that pay the animal processing cost. When you purchase a whole live animal custom beef share from Foothill Frolic Farm on Gammon Creek (i.e. Barkley Mills), you then are considered the owner of the live beef animal. The all inclusive Harvest/Dry Aged Hanging/Processing/Butcher cost that Russell Meat Packing charges per pound will be passed through directly to you the shareholder.
Foothill Frolic Farm charges an additional Custom Round Up/Hauling & Handling Add on Cost of $40 per QUARTER BEEF.
There is NOT a 6.75% TN food tax added to farm products. When meat is purchased at a grocery store, your meat cost 6.75% more!!
Your On-Line Order Receipt represents your purchase of a Foothill Frolic Farm's Live Animal Custom Beef Share.